FaithGroups is a small-groups ministry at Sacred Heart. Due to the pandemic, we are offering the materials on-line and you can do this individually or with your spouse, family, or with a group (in person or by zoom.) Email us here if you have any questions.
session #1: ash wednesday
We begin the journey of Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. The session will begin by reflecting about where we find ourselves as we begin the season. What kinds of things are we giving up for Lent, material and spiritual? Any fasting during Lent should be a symbol for a deeper transformation—the change and believe in the Gospel of Ash Wednesday—to be ready to experience the Paschal Mystery. Watch the video here and access the guide here
session #2: first sunday in Lent—the temptations
We continue the journey of Lent by reflecting on the temptations (or tests) Jesus went through. The Spirit leads Jesus to the desert to be tempted. Coming from his baptism, one that we believe it is a baptism of identity—Jesus hears from God that he is his Beloved Child—we believe these temptations are also temptations of identity. What are the temptations in our own life? What powers, tensions, habits, behaviors we experience that keep us from becoming our true self?
Video Message and guide
On the Second Sunday in Lent we always read the passage of the Transfiguration—a moment of glory for Jesus, shadowed by the lack of understanding of his disciples. How do we lve this tension between glory and obscurity? Peter is trying to fit Jesus and his message within the framework he understands—the Law and the Prophets, yet Jesus always breakstrhough our frameworks.
Video Message and guide.
SESSION 4: third sunday in LENT—the image of god
Reflection and questions on the readings for the 3rd Sunday in Lent. Jesus offers the parable of the Barren Tree to counter his image of God to those who thought God would punish people capriciously and randomly. What is our image of God? Our image of God shapes the way we live our lives and our faith.
Video Message and Guide
session 5: fourth sunday in lent—the prodigal son
We should call this Sunday's parable the Parable of the Merciful Father. We may identify with the brothers, as we have acted like the younger or felt like the older... yet we are called to be like the merciful father. Again, Jesus' image of God at work.
Video Message and Guide
session 6: Fifth sunday in lent—the adulterous woman
For the Fifth Sunday in Lent we reflect about the powerful scene of the Adulterous Woman. Jesus is being tested, once again, and the life of a person is at stake. Jesus defuses the accusers by reminding them of their own sinfulness, and invites the woman to go on, leaving her past of sin behind. Video Message and Guide.