"Lent is the time granted us by the Lord to be renewed, to nurture our interior life and to journey towards Easter, towards the things that do not pass away, towards the reward we are to receive from the Father"—Pope francis

It is in these small groups that our large Church body becomes a community of communities.

FaithGroups is a small-group ministry at Sacred Heart. Groups of 5 to 10 parishioners meet to discuss faith and life. The parish provides a video message based on the readings of the previous Sunday, and a few questions to facilitate a faith-based discussion.

Intentional faith-based relationships are key to sustained spiritual growth as disciples of Jesus Christ. Members pray and care for one another, and develop authentic friendships with other growing disciples. 


Our last session of FaithGroups for this Lent focuses on the gospel of the Raising of Lazarus. Jesus is asking us to come out of our own tombs to live life fully so we can then experience the Resurrection. 

Access the video message and the guide here. 

session #5: the man born blind—what would Jesus see?

The second of the three RCIA gospels narrates the miracle of the healing of the Man Born Blind. Like the Samaritan Woman at the Well, the blind man enters the gospel a beggar, leaves it as a full disciple of Christ. It is a miracle of sight. What would Jesus see? How would we be re-created if we saw people, situations, things the way Jesus sees them?

Click for video message and guide for this session.  


The first of the three RCIA presents to us the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the well. The woman becomes an apostle after encountering Jesus. This gospel models our own encounters with Jesus and with each other. 

Click for video message and guide for this session. 

session #3: the TRansfiguration

The Second Sunday in Lent always narrates The Transfiguration in any of the three synoptic traditions. It was a moment of glory for Jesus, but we also see clearly the struggle of the disciples to understand Jesus' identity and his suffering. How does the Transfiguration shape and model our own Lenten transformation?

Click for video message and guide for this session. 

Session #2: First Sunday in Lent

The First Sunday in Lent always presents to us the Temptation of Jesus Christ in the desert. Temptations are also tests. As we get deeper into our own Lenten desert, now is the time to name and confront our own temptations and tests.

Find the video here, which will be live at 1 PM on 2/26.

The discussion guide is available by clicking on the image to the left or by clicking here.

session #1: Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday starts us on this journey, this pilgrimage we call Lent. The Church proposes that we use the Lenten Observances as tools for the task of emptying and transforming ourselves to be ready to make room of the Risen Christ. 

Find the video here.

The discussion guide is available by clicking on the image to the left or by clicking here.