Welcome to Sacred Heart, a Catholic Parish in the City of Racine

We belong to the Catholic Community of Eight in Racine

We are a Community of the Spirit, where we make and grow disciples of Jesus. We are very glad that you are here. Whether you are a parishioner, or someone looking for a new spiritual home, please feel free to check around the website to get an idea about who we are and what we do. A lot of what we do is in our weekly Newsletter, which you can access and subscribe to here

Come, grow with us through Advent.

Livestreamed Masses are available on our website, and on the Community Facebook and YouTube.

Thank you for your help in supporting Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Your generosity helps us continue our mission to spread the Gospel message. 

Select your giving options of frequency, designation and payment method. 

Make a recurrent or one-time donation

2201 Northwestern Avenue, Racine 53404


Office hours: Monday from 8:30 AM to 1 PM; Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Confessions Saturday from 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM (or by appointment)

Phone: (262) 634-5526  e-mail: shracine@shracine.org

weekly bulletins

  • second sunday of advent

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  • first sunday of Advent

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  • soleminity of

    our lord jesus christ,

    king of the universe

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  • thirty-third sunday in ordinary time

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